I have a theory that nobody likes insurance. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important and often required by law or by lenders. But insurance is just so psychologically unsatisfying. I don’t know anyone who’s really excited to get their sweet new coverage. At best it gives...
Jim Cirigliano
Can You Use a Business Loan to Buy Rental Properties?
When you need financing to buy a home, you look for a home loan. When you need financing for a small business, you might look for a business loan. But what if you’re in the business of buying rental property—like, say, a real estate investor? Of course you can...
Rent Incentives on the Rise: 9 Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank
It’s hard to make sense of the real estate market right now. The rising interest rates that began in 2022 have made mortgages more expensive. And yet home prices in most markets continued to rise, and rents along with them, as demand for homes remained strong into...