SparkRental in the Press in 2023-2024

Where have our cofounders served as real estate experts in 2023-2024?

Around the Web in 80 Seconds with SparkRental

In addition to appearing as podcast guests all over the real estate investing mediaverse, we pop up every week in the press:


CBS News | Is a home equity loan or HELOC the better way to borrow $100,000?

Deni Supplee discusses HELOCs, offering valuable advice and important cautions regarding their use. She highlights their suitability for short-term or temporary loans due to easier accessibility but warns about the instability of current variable interest rates.



Newsweek | The 50 Worst US Cities for Finding a Job

Brian Davis advises job seekers to carefully evaluate housing markets before settling, emphasizing cost-of-living factors and transportation savings, crucial steps in today’s job market.

Expecting High Returns From Cheap Properties

WTOP News | How to Refinance a Rental Property

Save money by refinancing your rental property for a lower interest rate, but watch out for higher costs and fees. Brian Davis stresses the need for careful consideration due to potential risks.


Yahoo! News | 4 Passive Income Streams You Don’t Have Yet but Probably Should in 2024

Brian Davis recommends exploring property-secured debt investments as hassle-free alternatives to physical property ownership. Platforms like Groundfloor and 7e Investments are simply amazing!

Expecting High Returns From Cheap Properties

The Richer Geek | #154: Real Estate Investing

In this episode, Brian Davis is recognized for his expertise as a real estate investor and personal finance expert. He shares his amazing journey of co-founding Sparkrental and building a co-investing club!

Expecting High Returns From Cheap Properties

AZBigMedia | Boosting curb appeal – 7 real stories of property enhancements

Deni Supplee works magic on home transformations! From power washing for instant brilliance to fixing exterior imperfections, she adds allure with delightful outdoor furniture, like a hanging swing.

Expecting High Returns From Cheap Properties

AZBigMedia | How to provide exceptional client service in the real estate industry 

Deni brings a personal touch to client interactions. Emphasizing the importance of personal connections in today’s digital age, Denise initiates client relationships with coffee meetups.

Expecting High Returns From Cheap Properties

Nasdaq | Experts: 9 Best Ways To Invest the Extra Money During Three-Paycheck Months

 According to Brian Davis, it’s wise to prioritize paying off unsecured debt like credit card balances before considering investing. This is an excellent opportunity to optimize your returns!

Expecting High Returns From Cheap Properties

Yahoo! Finance | 28 Dumb Ways You Could Lose It All…

Inexperienced investors hope to make big money from cheap properties, but they might not realize the problems that come with them. Brian Davis learned this lesson the hard way.

Is the Income Stream Worth the Headaches?

Atlas Disposal | How can property managers encourage their tenants to recycle?

Deni’s creative tip for boosting tenant recycling is to have children create recycling-themed posters or videos for a chance to win a gift certificate, making recycling engaging and enjoyable for kids.

Is the Income Stream Worth the Headaches?

GoBankingRates | 10 International Cities With Affordable Vacation Rental Properties

Brian Davis emphasizes the appeal of a particular country’s market, where cash buyers can invest in affordable vacation rentals with the potential for substantial returns, including positive cash flow.

Travel-Themed Gifts

USNews | The 8 Best Retirement Gift Ideas for Men

Consider travel-themed gifts like luggage, earbuds, or a Priority Pass for retirees who love to travel. Brian’s excellent advice gives access to comfy airport lounges worldwide, improving experience!


Yahoo! Finance | 3 Ways Boomers Can Still Earn Passive Income During Retirement

Consider co-investing for higher yields and significant returns! According to Brian, these partnerships offer 8%-12% yield with total annualized returns reaching 15%-30% for income-focused investors.

Is the Income Stream Worth the Headaches?

WTOPNews | The Best Retirement Gift Ideas for Men

If travel is on the agenda, consider gifts such as new luggage, wireless earbuds or a Priority Pass. Access to VIP airport lounges all over the world vastly improved Brian’s family travel experiences.


GoBankingRates | 6 Purchases That Pay for Themselves Within a Year

Brian Davis spices up home-buying advice, proposing a savvy move: ditch the single-family home for a multi-unit property, live in one unit, rent out the rest, and watch your neighbors cover your mortgage!

rental property tax deductions

Going Long Podcast with Billy Keels | How to Build Passive Income From a Long Distance

Brian chats with host Billy Keels about investing in real estate long-distance, expat life, cheat codes in the game of financial independence, and passive real estate investing.

rental property tax deductions

Truly Passive Income Podcast | Location Independence Through Intentional Investing and Lifestyle Design

In this episode, Brian Davis discusses his journey making passive real estate investments accessible. Discover his approach to diversification, location independence, and long-term investing.

rental property tax deductions

Living Off Rentals Podcast | #187 – Financial Security Through Fractional Ownership of 1500 Units – Brian Davis

Brian chats with host Kirby Atwell about real estate trends, investing long-distance, and the pursuit of financial indepenedence. 

rental property tax deductions

Investopedia | How to Get a Loan to Flip a House

Discover online private lenders — friends, family, or individuals not in the lending business offering financial support, as highlighted by Brian Davis. An unconventional yet effective method to get a loan.

rental property tax deductions

Yahoo! Finance | I’m About To Retire: Here’s the Financial Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me

The concept of supplementing your paycheck with passive income for a gradual retirement was Brian’s wishes he had understood, emphasizing that it’s not about covering all expenses.

rental property tax deductions

Yahoo! Finance | 8 Investments That Can Make You Richer Than a Full-Time Job

Brian whispers about a lucrative realm: real estate syndications. With a significant returns  these group investments promise the joys of investing without the usual landlord headaches!

rental property tax deductions

SuperMoney | Does a Refinance Appraisal Affect Property Tax?

To safeguard your rental property yield, maintain positive cash flow with tools like Spark Rental for expense tracking, and optimize tax deductions for better returns in property investment.

Think Like a Landlord When Negotiating Rent

GoBankingRates | One Major Sign You Are Overpaying for Rent in Your City — and How To Negotiate It Down

Brian Davis emphasized that for many landlords, the key priorities are consistency, such as collecting rent on time every month, and never having to chase down delinquent tenants.

Loan terms

CBS News | How to afford a house when mortgage rates are high

Deni unravels one of the main factors of lenders consider when setting mortgage rates: credit score! The main question is, how can you boost your credit score? Lucky you! Deni got you covered.

Loan terms

Yahoo! Finance | Make Money With Money: How To Invest $200K or More To Become a Millionaire

Your real estate million dollar dream can finally come true with Brian’s two paths to infinite returns! Do these strategies and you keep collecting cash flow on it and it keeps appreciating in value!

Loan terms

Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing Podcast | Creating a Lifestyle Business Through Real Estate Investing – Episode #428

Brian Davis shares his expertise on creating a lifestyle business through real estate investing and lifestyle design, with Sharon Vornholt on her Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing podcast.

Loan terms

Landlord Gurus Podcast | Real Estate Syndication with Brian Davis

Brian explores optimizing real estate side hustles, including syndication, REITs, and alternatives beyond traditional landlords, while underscoring opportunities beyond being a traditional landlord.

Loan terms

Life + Money Show | Ditch Landlord Woes Through Passive RE Syndication with G. Brian Davis

Looking for a simplified path to reaping real estate benefits without the usual hassle? Then, tune into this insightful discussion with our G. Brian Davis!

Adapt to sell

HouseDigest |  New Report Predicts Home Prices Will Take A Nosedive This Summer

Prolonged stagnation in listings may cause prices to dip further. Brian Davis highlights this crucial insight, providing valuable guidance for navigating the real estate market.

Loan terms

CBS News | Choosing a home equity loan or HELOC: What pros say to look for

By understanding factors such as the introductory rate duration and the calculation of interest after the initial period, borrowers make wiser decisions of their HELOC. That’s Deni Supplee’s specialty!

Unlimited uses

Carol Roth | Top Economic and Business Book Recommendations for Summer 2023

Discover an actionable guide that empowers busy entrepreneurs and executives to systematize and professionalize their businesses. Thanks to Brian Davis for recommending the ultimate guide!

Unlimited uses

CBS News | Benefits of using your home equity…

Imagine the cash flow after implementing Deni Supplee’s unique strategy to utilize home equity: adding a dwelling unit as a great way to house hack and allowing someone else’s cover your payments!

1031 Exchange or Invest Through Self-directed Roth IRA

MSN | I’m a Real Estate Agent: Buy Real Estate in These 5 Countries To Be Rich in 10 Years

Ever heard of the saying, “In the middle of chaos, there is opportunity”? Well, that’s exactly what Brian is doing in Argentina! Real estate values are projected to skyrocket once the economy stabilizes.

Can You Renovate Your Apartment?

US News | Should You Renovate Your Apartment?

Discover the Ultimate Apartment Renovation Guide! G. Brian Davis reveals crucial tips for renters and owners to avoid deposit woes and create the perfect living space.

1031 Exchange or Invest Through Self-directed Roth IRA

AOL | 10 Things You Should Never Buy for Retail Price 

Successful individuals, according to Brian, never pay retail price for cars. His advice is to collect internet quotes, research wholesale prices, and be ready to walk away if the desired deal is not met.

Self-Storage REITS

Yahoo!Finance | Experts: Fixed Asset Investments Where It Pays To Put Your Money Safely

Brian Davis highlights self-storage facilities as a recession-proof investment. With downsizing during economic downturns, consider self-storage REITs or real estate syndication for added stability.


Nasdaq | 9 Fastest Ways To Save $1,000 in 30 Days

Consider listing your home on Airbnb as recommended by Brian. Alternatively, you can lease a part of your home for a few weekends each month to offset a significant portion of your monthly rent.

1031 Exchange or Invest Through Self-directed Roth IRA

Done For You – Real Estate USA | Any tips to lower taxes on investment properties?

The best tip that Brian has offered is to prioritize financial goals and risk tolerance. Moreover, investors can unlock their winning potential with Brian’s secret sauce called co-investing!

If you're just starting out, here's how to choose your investment property and increase its value for maximum return on investment

HouseDigest | New Report Predicts Home Prices Will Take A Nosedive This Summer

Suggesting that home prices may need to decrease further is a very insightful analysis offered by Brian Davis, and he advises sellers to lower their asking prices for quicker sales.

If you're just starting out, here's how to choose your investment property and increase its value for maximum return on investment

The Millionaire Mindcast | The Secret To Living Your Dream Life Without Being Financially Free

Brian Davis shares his invaluable insights on wealth creation through syndication, diverse deals, and the art of crafting an extraordinary lifestyle without the shackles of financial limitations!

If you're just starting out, here's how to choose your investment property and increase its value for maximum return on investment

Inman | Ready to start investing? Here are the ins and outs to get you started

Deni and Brian’s captivating discussion reveals the secrets to property selection, value maximization, and a fundamental strategy for real estate success. The ultimate guide for new investors is here!

Supplement Your Paycheck With Passive Income

AOL. | I’m About To Retire: Here’s the Money Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me

Like most of us, Brian thought of financial independence and retirement as a lifestyle with enough passive income to cover living expenses, a concept he wishes he had understood earlier in his career.

Do the Math

WTOP News | What Is Dual Agency?

Deni Supplee illustrates the concept with a clear example of a real estate agent representing both the buyer and seller in a transaction, emphasizing the importance of disclosure as required by state laws.

Is the Income Stream Worth the Headaches?

Yahoo! Finance | Should I Sell or Rent My House When I Relocate for Retirement?

Witness the “three Ts” that make rental properties a never-ending to-do and stress-inducing.  New landlords, take heed of Brian Davis’ advice and never underestimate the headaches involved!

Do the Math

AOL. | 6 Steps To Take To Become a Millionaire by 30

Brian Davis emphasizes the two most important factors in becoming a millionaire, making the article a a must-read for those seeking financial independence and the path to achieving $1 million.

What a rate pause means for home equity loan, HELOC rates

CBS News | What a rate pause means for home equity loan, HELOC rates

While the rate pause won’t cause HELOC rates to drop, it offers a much-needed breather and potentially stops their ascent. Denise’s expertise sheds light on the relief and hope to borrowers!

It Doesn’t Have To Be Expensive

Nasdaq | Risky Move: 31% of People Nearing Retirement Don’t Seek Out Retirement Advice

Many people nearing retirement don’t seek advice because they think it’s expensive, but Brian Davis, says it doesn’t have to be expensive! A single affordable session can ensure their financial planning!

Expect unexpected cost

GoBankingRates | 6 Ways the Rich Generate Passive Income

Real estate expert Brian Davis reveals how the wealthy achieve the best of both worlds with real estate syndicates— passive income, ownership stakes, and property appreciation in commercial real estate!

Expect unexpected cost | SparkRental’s Co-Investing Club Broadens Access to the Income-Generating Potential of Real Estate

Brian and Deni have revolutionized real estate investing. Now, even nonaccredited investors can join, unlocking the potential for diversification, passive income, and the opportunity to live their dream life!

Expect unexpected cost

Yahoo! Finance | 8 Key Things Millennials Must Know as First-Time Real Estate Investors

New investors should anticipate hidden costs when chasing “great deals.” Brian cautions that such opportunities aren’t easily accessible to everyone, as there’s typically more to consider!

Red flag No. 1: Too much scent | What to Look for When Buying a House: 10 Major Red Flags

Beware of strong scents in a house, as they could be hiding something, warns Denise Supplee, a real estate agent. Inspect rooms for signs of damage before deciding on a purchase.

Negotiating an agreement with a real estate agent | Vacation Surveillance: What Travelers Think About Airbnb Security Cameras

Discover the ever-changing landscape of short term rental experiencewith Deni Supplee’s insightful message about evolving laws and technologies to ensure maximum safety and privacy!

Negotiating an agreement with a real estate agent | If You Find Your Own Buyer, Will Your Real Estate Agent Take Less Commission?

Denise Supplee reveals an essentiality of discussing upfront services and fees in the listing agreement, with hidden negotiable elements that can shape your real estate experience!

Why the housing market slowdown continues

Yahoo! Finance | How To Compound Your Income in 2023

Diversify income through real estate? Brian Davis says passive income isn’t tied to buying alone—multiple avenues exist! Many don’t require much cash either, unlike buying rental properties.

Why the housing market slowdown continues

TribuneContentAgency | Spending: Tips for homebuyers

In the past few years, buyers had abandoned a certain strategy. But not anymore! Now, buyers are getting smarter, protecting themselves with contingencies. Know more what Deni Supplee exclaimed!

Why the housing market slowdown continues | Did Mortgage Rates Just Go Rogue? Why Today’s ‘Bumpy’ Housing Market Just Got Wilder

Unravel the reasons behind the ongoing housing market slowdown, including extended time on the market, diminishing bidding wars, and buyer hesitation due to interest rates, as revealed by Deni!

When a HELOC may be better for you

CBSNews | HELOC vs. home equity loan

Deni Supplee highlights the flexibility of HELOCs for ongoing costs, emphasizing the advantages of renovating one room at a time and paying off the balance before moving on. Isn’t that remarkable?!

Investments Play Offense, Savings Play Defense

GoBankingRates | Should You Invest Your Money or Put It in High-Yield Savings?

Discover how Brian Davis creatively uses a sports analogy to explain the relationship between savings and investments, shedding light on the benefits and strategies for building long-term wealth.

How to find a cheap rental right now | Good News for Renters: Prices Are Poised To Fall

Brian Davis highlights the significance of not overlooking vital factors like vacancy rates. Unveil the remaining factors that can make or break your rental experience in this captivating article!

Look for ways to earn more money

Passive Income MD | Journal Club 04-28-23

Ever heard the phrase ‘It takes money to make money’? Well, in real estate, things work a bit differently. Spark Rental talks about a cool idea on how you can actually earn ‘Infinite Returns’! 

Look for ways to earn more money

Bankrate | How to Save for a House

Curious how Denise Supplee earned extra income when she was a single mom? Renting out a spare room and exploring side hustles were her strategies. Check this out for steps on how to get started!

Swap FDIC Security for the Chance To Beat Inflation

GoBankingRates | SVB Failure Aftermath: 5 Top Ways To Protect Your Money From Uncertainty in 2023

Protect against inflation with incredible alternative savings vehicles! Brian Davis suggests 4%-6% interest rates secured by real estate, no FDIC insurance needed. Amazing, right?

Common Real Estate Myths That You Need To Know

GoBankingRates | 31 Common Real Estate Myths Debunked

Our Deni Supplee debunks the 20% down payment myth, revealing undisclosed programs like FHA mortgages with just 3.5% down payment and some closing cost coverage!


SFGate | 4 Sneaky Staging Tips for Selling a Small Home

Follow Brian’s tip: Open up your small home by removing unnecessary doors. Keep only those to bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets. Let the beauty shine through in the eyes of potential buyers!

Remove Dated Decor

GoBankingRates | 9 Inexpensive Tips To Fix Up Your Home and Sell Fast

Be cautious about leaving buyers with a negative impression due to outdated decor, as it can imply poor maintenance. A valuable tip from our beloved Deni Supplee.

Consider a Trial Run

Bobvila | 25 Things Real Estate Agents Would Never Want in Their Own Homes

Be careful what you stick to your walls, because what’s trendy today might become tomorrow’s peeling eyesore, as Denise Supplee wisely points out!

Consider a Trial Run

USNews | 8 Steps to Take Before Relocating in Retirement

Before committing to a retirement home, follow Brian’s tip and test the waters first! Spend a trial period living there to gauge the community and see if it’s truly the right fit for you.

Make It Personal

Nasdaq | Buying a Home in 2023: Tips To Negotiate Like a Pro

Our Deni advises us to make transactions personal and memorable that leave a favorable impression that can work wonders! The secret sauce is right in this article.

Myth: You'll Need a 20% Down Payment Plus Closing Costs

Yahoo! Finance | Common Real Estate Myths…

Homebuyers are confine with 20% down on a home purchase which is actually not the norms. Our Deni Supplee educates us about an option for a 3.5% down which also covers some of the closing costs!

Real Estate Investment Trust

Urban Splatter | 5 Best Career Options In Real Estate With Low Investment Requirements

Sparkrental got a link back to one of our articles about the Best Investment Platforms to Diversify Your Portfolio. Investors can buy and sell shares to those platforms instead of traditional REIT.

ADU in spirit, if not in fact

GoBankingRates | Majority of Americans Have Little to No Retirement Savings: Experts Say When To Start

Brian emphasizes the importance of prioritizing a 401(k) and company matched benefits package. Seizing this opportunity outweighs even the absence of emergency savings and high-interest debt.

‘Savevesting,’ You Say? Can One Account Truly Do It All?

GoBankingRates | 4 Alternatives To Checking Accounts

Brian Davis introduced the concept of ‘savevesting,’ combining banking and investing.
A groundbreaking alternative to checking accounts by Groundfloor. Fascinating!

ADU in spirit, if not in fact | The Crazy Way These Homebuyers Bought Their First House—and the Secret to Getting Rich Off Real Estate

One of the many ways of house hacking is our Brian’s talk about. Who would have thought adding dwelling units and converting some parts of the house into useful resources can get you rich?!

Show more income

CBSNews | How to get the best home equity loan rate…

An important step is to check out different lenders before deciding. Deni’s surprising advice highlights that lender charges can vary from 2% to 6.5% of the loan amount, so it’s crucial to compare offers!

Show more income

Yahoo! Finance | Invest In Real Estate Without Owning Property

Learn how to invest in real estate alongside other investors, even if you’re not an accredited investor. Brian Davis shares strategies beyond traditional real estate syndications.

Show more income

BankRates | How to increase your mortgage preapproval amount

Discover Denise’s success story as she leverages her mother’s Social Security income to meet loan requirements and achieve her goals. Unlock the secret sauce in this article!

Real Estate Syndicates Offer Big Returns and Special Benefits

GoBankingRates | I Have $1M To Invest — Where Do I Start?

Real estate maven Brian Davis suggests high net worth investors look into real estate syndications for potentially massive returns, coupled with tax advantages and the ability to recoup initial investment!

When Incomes Rise, Spending Is Rarely Far Behind

GoBankingRates | How To Stay Rich Once You Get There, According to Experts

Brian Davis explains the phenomenon of the people who earn high salaries but never ever get rich. Once they solve that problem,  those people can stay rich forever and ever!

Consider auctions, short sales, and more

Florida Realtors | Unexpected Challenge? Problem Solved

Love affair on tv series are truly apprehensive. Same goes to real estate transactions! Our Deni shares her thrilling experience on keeping the transaction alive in the middle of the drama.

Consider auctions, short sales, and more

AOL. | Four Best Places To Keep Your Money That Aren’t a Checking Account

Our Brian Davis already introduced Groundfloor before but have you ever heard of “Stairs”? Well,  here’s a guide on where to best place your money!

What to do if you're overcharging (renting at above-market rates)

Entreprenuer | How to Set a Fair Rent Price for Your Properties

SparkRental is tagged on this article for our advocacy to keep rent increase fair and just by avoiding rent payment shocks. This is not about ranting but to highlight the right manner of rent increase.

Consider auctions, short sales, and more | 4 Strategies for Saving Money When Buying a House in Today’s Crazy, Unpredictable Market

When searching for listings, Brian recommends using special keywords that target houses with significant potential for delivering substantial equity. Don’t believe it? You have to see it for yourself!

Charles Schwab

Life Up Swing | The Best Finance Apps to Save, Invest, and Track Your Money

For advanced investors, our Brian suggests an awesome way to invest. Just set up an automated recurring transfers and it will invest automatically based on your preferences using AI technology!

It Makes Financial Sense To Buy It

Yahoo! Finance: How To Avoid Going Into Debt To Pay for an Emergency

Brian Davis debunked the 12 months budget scheme and sensationalize the month-on-month basis. People should realize that saving emergency funds should comes first before luxury.

It Makes Financial Sense To Buy It

GoBankingRates | 16 Ways To Tell If That Fixer-Upper Is Flip-Worthy

Before doing the fixer-upper hussle, do the math first! No calculus nor integral needed. Just do the crudle rule of thumb in the flipping world that our Brian Davis mention in this article.

Not just retirement

Yahoo! Finance | 25 Tricks To Sell Your House for a Bigger Profit

Enchanting materials, no matter how small, are eye candies that add magic to the profit.  On this article, our Brian Davis pull one of his many tricks to sell house for a bigger profit!

Not just retirement

The Accidental Landlord (Podcast) | Understanding the 2023 Rental Real Estate Market With Spark Rental Co-Founder, Brian Davis

A pretty interesting podcast episode indeed! Brian Davis unravel the truest real estate market analysis that diversify many investors from over opinionated analysis to logical data interpretation.

Not just retirement

AOL | How To Get Rich With a Normal Job

Our Brian Davis shares a well documented phenomenon called lifestyle creeps that prevent people with normal job from getting rich. Be well aware of this creepy lifestyle by reading this article.

Not just retirement

AARP | The FIRE movement: Financial Independence, Retire Early

Many investors tend to disregard an important benefit that should have been enjoyed on the early stage of financial independence journey. Our Brian Davis reveals how to enjoy FIRE to the max!

Find a Mentor & Mastermind

Carol Roth | 2023 New Year’s Resolutions from Small Businesses

Our Brian Davis, the master of the game called real estate, together with gamemaster, Deni Supplee, are looking for winners who are willing to join their winning spree!

Potential home buyers are wary

ListwithClever | Many Are Pessimistic About Homeownership, But Others Take Alternative Paths

Potential home buyers are becoming wary and our Deni is not exempted to experience this unlikely behavior! Two purchasers have backed out and their reasons are revealed in this interesting article.

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Never File Eviction Again: 3 Secrets to Getting Renters to Respect the Rules


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Real Estate FIRE Escape: What It Takes to Retire in 5 Years with Rentals


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Real Estate FIRE Escape: What It Takes to Retire in 5 Years with Rentals


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