2020 Press for SparkRental

Why the Press Loved Us Just as Much in 2020 as They Do Today!

Around the Web in 80 Seconds with SparkRental:


Prop Stream | 5 Things Successful Things Brokers Do Each Week

This read is a combination of PropStream’s own best practice suggestions and advice from our expert community including Spark Rental’s own, Deni Supplee.


Porch | Home Buying and Selling Q&A: Tips and Advice from the Experts

Brian adds to this commentary about what you can expect from the buying process itself, plus tips to make life easier after you buy your first home.


The Telegraph | 5 Times Landlords Are Willing To Renovate Your Apartment—and Even Pay for It

Under certain circumstances, landlords will allow for upgrades—and sometimes, they’ll even foot the bill. Brian adds his own information to this interesting piece.

Winter House

Realtor.com | 6 Killer Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make When Buying in the Winter

The coronavirus sure changed the atmosphere of the winter buying market, this fascinating read includes a quote from Deni.

The Financially Independent Millennial | How to Improve Your Credit Score – The 29 Best Ways

Simply put ways to improve your credit scores. Try these tips to boost your credit starting today, including one from our own Brian Davis.

Legal Reader | Does Homeowner Insurance Cover Water Damage?

 How to handle water damage, in general? You can find that and a lot more in just a click, including one golden ticket to rental automation from Spark Rental.

Wealth Expose | Achieving Financial Independence Through Real Estate Investing – FIRE Strategy

Do you often dream of quitting your J.O.B. and becoming financially independent? Then you can follow the article where Brian shares his FIRE journey with some exclusive tips and strategies.

Forbes | Inflation Outpaces Fixed-Term Rates: Is Bitcoin The Solution?

That’s a good question and it’s been explained adequately. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, said, “information is the key to the future and you have to be up to date.”

Just Business | What Kind of Business Should I Start? 6 Steps to Your Best Answer

Brian shares a Japanese concept called ikigai. Do you know the meaning of it?

Dr Wealth | How To Invest In A Post-COVID-19 World – 45 Financial Experts Weigh In

Brian is not Dr. Strange but his experience along with other financial experts is more valuable than Strange. Just sayin’.

Apartment Therapy | 5 Things Worth the Extra Money for Your Laundry Area, According to Experts

Where should you locate your laundry room? Deni suggests, “It’s close to the bedrooms in the home.”

Apartment Therapy | 4 Things You Should Never Do If You Live in a Loft

Safety First! Find what Deni recommends and how to avoid some of the common mistakes of loft life.

Fit Small Business | How to Buy Multiple Rental Properties

Always do your own research before buying a property. Brian suggests portfolio lenders like Visio and LendingOne, private lenders as a powerful ally to any real estate investor.

Fairfax Times | Seven best things about buying a house in the Fall

Brian points out you’ll always find some motivated sellers in the Fall. It might be the best season to find the perfect property.

PropStream | The Impact of COVID-19 on Multi-Family Investing: 7 Powerful Tips

During these unprecedented times, some practical advices from experts can be helpful for you. Learn more what Deni and other experts said.

Inman | Why investors make the best clients — and how to land them

If you’re an agent then this one is for you.

Chime | 5 Ways to Negotiate a Better Deal on Rent

Who doesn’t want a better deal while negotiating on a rent? Brian shares a small trick to get cheaper rent.

Home Light | Should You Sell Your Rental Property, or Keep Holding On?

Maintaining a rental property isn’t a cup of tea. For your convenience, Brian suggests a free rental cash flow calculator.

Rocket Mortgage | A Gender Gap You May Have Never Heard About: The Women’s Housing Investment Disparity

Are single women losing money on real estate investment? Brian shares an awesome tip while negotiating a great deal on a home.

Go Banking Rates | 28 Dumb Ways You Could Lose It All by Trying To Get Rich

Don’t get deceived by numbers. Learn what Brian says about his early investing days’ mistakes.

Apartment Therapy | 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Move, According to Real Estate Pros

A few real estate experts including Brian tells how you can save money from moving companies and in some other ways.

The Penny Hoarder | Thinking About Renting Out Your Home? 14 Tips to Maximize Your Income

Have you ever thought about maximizing profit as a landlord? In this article, you will get some awesome tips from experienced real estate professionals. Deni and Brian also gave their suggestions.

Finance 101 | Beyond Credit Scores: How Lenders are Vetting Consumers in Creative New Ways

As a former loan officer, Brian shares his experiences which will help you to improve your credit score.

Financial Independence Hub | 8 Creative Financing options for the New Normal

Small businesses have been hit hardest during the pandemic and making it harder for getting funds. Take a look at this article where Brian shares his creative idea for businesses looking for funds.

USA Today | You’ve Found a Home You Like. Now What?

Deni adds some tips about purchasing homes. It is not just all about looking and offering. There is much more.

Joe Fairless Best Ever Show | Improving Tenant Renewal Ideas With Brian Davis

Joe Fairless hosts Brian on his Best Ever Show real estate investing podcast on improving renter renewals. It’s a must hear!

Best Life | 40 Surprising Signs There’s Something Wrong With Your House

What are some common problems that come up with a home? Find out in this article witih a contribution by Brian.

NAA | Rx for COVID-19’s Impact: Boost Retention

Brian adds the this infomative article on boosting renter retention during Covid-19.

HSH | Dreaming of Becoming a Snowbird Learn How to Buy a Second Home

Brian speaks to the folks at HSH about purchasing that second home or how to be a snowbird.


Moving is stressful at anytime, however moving during Covid-19 is even more challenging. Good information with great tips from Brian.

Motley Fool | 70+ Resources to Learn Real Estate Investing — And Do It Right

Read this Fool.com article all about rental property investing.

RIS Media | COVID-19: A Looming Eviction Bubble for Rentals? Flexibility Is Key in Prevention

Covid-19 certainly has presented some challenges for the landlord, but there are ways to find a balance. Brian adds to this great read.

Realtor.com | What Does ‘Days on Market’ Mean How Buyers Can Take Advantage

You would be surprised at how many Realtors are part-timers. And even working part-time, a Realtor may be a great one. Listen this information by various experts including Deni.

Realtor.com | The Ugly Truth About Amazon’s Gorgeous $100K House

You would be surprised at how many Realtors are part-timers. And even working part-time, a Realtor may be a great one. Listen this information by various experts including Deni.

Motley Fool | Ways To Make Door Locks, Knobs, and Handles Safer

You would be surprised at how many Realtors are part-timers. And even working part-time, a Realtor may be a great one. Listen this information by various experts including Deni.

Huffpost | Your Guide To Moving During The Coronavirus Pandemic

You would be surprised at how many Realtors are part-timers. And even working part-time, a Realtor may be a great one. Listen this information by various experts including Deni.

CCN | More Money in 2020: Analysts Recommend 3 Simple Resolutions to Increase Net Worth in Uncertain Times

You would be surprised at how many Realtors are part-timers. And even working part-time, a Realtor may be a great one. Listen this information by various experts including Deni.

Fit Small Business | Part-time Real Estate Agent ― Can It Work

Great read about part-timer Realtors. Deni offers one solution to look for.

Motley Fool | Bike Storage Strategies for Landlords

Brian adds a tip on how to create a savvy bike storage space.

Apartment Therapy | The 5 Components That Make Up The Platonic Ideal of a Kitchen

Selling or renting a home? The kitchen plays a large part on appeal. Deni speaks with the authors at Apartment Therapy and shares her take on this.

Go Banking Rates | 17 Surprising Things About Buying a Home During the Pandemic

The coronavirus crisis has led to some unique advantages for first-time homebuyers. Brian Davis adds a tip of his own to this informative article by GOBankingRates.

Lend Genius | 22 Inspiring Business Quotes from Real, Successful Entrepreneurs

Running a business requires fortitude. And nothing like having inspiration from successful entrepreneurs to keep you going. Brian offers an inspiring quote as well.

Ownerly | Common Repairs Needed After a Home Inspection

Deni adds to this article all about home inspection repairs.

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Not only do you get the free Security Deposit Cheat Sheet, but we'll also send you our free passive income mini-course. How's that sound?

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Real Estate FIRE Escape: What It Takes to Retire in 5 Years with Rentals


Want a plan to retire in 5 years? We won't tell you it's easy... but we will tell you how to do it.

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Never File Eviction Again: 3 Secrets to Getting Renters to Respect the Rules


Evictions are ROI-killers! We'll show you how to whip your renters into shape and prevent future evictions.

You're in! Click here to download our free rental application

Real Estate FIRE Escape: What It Takes to Retire in 5 Years with Rentals


Want a plan to retire in 5 years? We won't tell you it's easy... but we will tell you how to do it.

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Real Estate FIRE Escape: What It Takes to Retire in 5 Years with Rentals


Want a plan to retire in 5 years? We won't tell you it's easy... but we will tell you how to do it.

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Rental Application Inbound!


Not only do you get our free rental application, but we'll also send you our free passive income mini-course. How's that sound?

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Ready to Build Passive Income?

Ready to Build Passive Income?


We'll email you the course videos over the next week, so enter your best email!

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Ditch Your Day Job: Free 8-Video Course


Our brand new course on how to reach financial independence and retire early (FIRE) with rental properties is open for one week from Oct. 23-30!

You're in! Check your email for the link, or click here for the 1st video!