When you can cover your living expenses with passive income from investments, working becomes optional. Turns out there’s a term for that: financial freedom, also known as financial independence. In other words, freedom from the daily job to make ends meet, freedom...
Tara Scott
How Steve Reached Financial Freedom with Real Estate Syndications
“A young man came to my office, asking to work for me. He said ‘I’ll work for free — just give me something to do.’ Immediately, I noticed his work ethic, his intelligence, passion and that he was driven; I hired him. “After a few months of working around the office,...
How Greg & His Family Retired Young with Rental Properties
“I wanted to get money out of the way so I could spend my time with kids and a wife (I didn't yet have.)” Greg Wilson retired recently at 42. But he started planning for financial independence and early retirement when he was a teenager: “I am the son of a business...
10 Tips from Pro Real Estate Investors You Won’t Learn in School
They don’t teach real estate investing in high school or college. You have to go out and learn it on your own. Toward that end, we offer hundreds of free articles, a weekly podcast, and monthly live webinars. But we decided to bring in some outside real estate...