Becky's first rental property 2

How do you reach financial independence with rental properties in under three years?

Becky Nova from Lady Landlords comes back on the show to talk about multifamily properties, house hacking, investing in overseas real estate, living abroad part-time, and hard-won lessons learned along the way.

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live off rents podcast transcript

Brian Davis: Happy Tuesday, everybody, Brian Davis here from Spark Rental, and rather than Deni joining me today, I have a special guest, Becky Nova of Becky, thank you so much for joining us.


Becky Nova: Of course. Thanks for having me on.


Brian Davis: Absolutely. Now, if you guys have been with us for a while, you probably remember, Becky, from 10 months ago she was on and she was talking about how she and her husband, Amelio, have reached financial independence in less than three years of buying their first piece of real estate, which is just incredible. And, you know, neither Becky nor her husband are the investment bankers with five hundred thousand dollars a year salaries. You know, they’re both normal, everyday people, Becky. You are a medical researcher, right?


Becky Nova: Correct. I run clinical trials for cancer patients,


Brian Davis: This is not only super exciting, but it’s also very important to work, of course. And your husband, Amelia, was a bartender. So you guys are normal middle-class people. And yet you’ve managed to reach financial independence in three years, less than three years. If I remember correctly, you guys bought your first house or your first property, which was a house hack in early. 2018, is that right?


Becky Nova: Yeah. Good memory. Yup. It was early 2018 that we still at that time I had no idea anything about real estate investing. I didn’t plan on buying anything more than our own personal home, and we had bought a duplex. So we were able to house back and live for a much cheaper price here in New York. But even at that time, it still was just a blip on the radar of something I would be doing.


Brian Davis: Yeah. And then so you scaled up you bought, I think, a four-plex next to that. Right. And then got into some international real estate. So we’re going to get into all that and more today as you guys join us. Let us know where you’re tuning in from. Let us know your questions for Becky. You know, this is an or an interactive show, not just an international scope show as well. But, yeah, this is you guys are welcome to participate as well. So fire your questions at, Becky, as they come in, and in the meantime, you know, Becky, let’s talk about, you know, what’s changed in the last ten months since you and I have chatted last. So how has your approach to investing in real estate changed, you know, since the beginning of the pandemic?


Becky Nova: Sure, as I looked it up, we had a conversation about a week after my husband and I had bought another duplex, which I kind of I always refer to as my covid baby. It was the property that we had to change our plan with of what we typically look for. And then also now a year later, has really kind of shifted how we look at things. And what I mean by that is we really sat down and took what happened to the pandemic and said, OK, these are the things that we’ve learned. These are the things that we realize are important to us. And these are kind of what our predictions are on how things are going to kind of move forward. And we’ve used that as a guide for what our real estate investing looks like over this past year. I feel like a lot of people kind of agree with me. I’m quite sure that the market’s a little bit crazy right now. There are. So I could speak for a lot of places are just going really over ask. They are going really quick. People are waving all different types of things to be able to get deals done. And my husband, I kind of decided that we’re going to be in a place where we’re not chasing properties, we’re not trying to make deals work when they really kind of don’t. And that has kind of been the story of our situation for the past year.


Brian Davis: Yeah, I mean, the numbers are the numbers. And, you know, you can try to kill them to change, but that doesn’t mean they will change.


Becky Nova: So many investors trying to do that right now saying like, well, like I really wanted or I really want my first property or I really want this one. And they’re becoming a little emotionally attached to it, then they’re kind of chasing things that all of a sudden what was a good deal isn’t such a good deal or then sometimes turns into a really bad deal. So that’s something that I feel like what really happens and making sure does not happen for our situation.


Brian Davis: Yeah, and you used a phrase there that I thought was very important and it’s emotionally attached. There should never be an emotional attachment in investing the emotional attachment to your romantic life and your family life with your investments. So, you know, speaking of the pandemic and how things have changed, I’m curious to hear if you guys are worried about regulation or landlord regulation moving forward as rental investors in the wake of, for example, the eviction moratorium, which has been extended five times now, is regulation a concern of yours in the wake of the pandemic, or do you have other concerns that are more troubling to you?


Becky Nova: Actually, no, I’m not so worried about the regulations. Most of my properties are in New York. We are already a heavily regulated state.


Becky Nova: They have very heavy regulations there.


Speaker3: Exactly. We and in New York in June 2019, there were a ton of tenant-landlord laws that were actually passed here, which really kind of changed the game. And people thought that those were really strict, that those were things that they just were not happy with. A lot of the different options within that was once again only a year into my husband and I buying rental properties and we were able to make them work. It wasn’t something that really bothered me. I felt like it was something of just making sure that you understand your regulations, following through, and planning accordingly. That really kind of helped the I think that would be the same thing with anything else that’s going to be kind of moving forward. I do clearly with the eviction moratorium. Yes. That does not make me happy. My husband, I have been very fortunate that we screened our tenants very well, that we thank you, actually, with Spark Rental we’ve done all of our tenants screening with. So kudos to the screening process that’s Spark Rental has. But we’ve been able to have great screening for our tenants. And therefore, yes, we’ve had some blips with them on them losing jobs.


Becky Nova: My husband himself is a bartender. My husband was out of work for the past year and a half. So these are things that we are able to be compassionate and have empathy for. But I definitely see that a lot of people are being able to take advantage of these situations. And I think that kind of does need to be balanced out to that perspective of the eviction moratorium does concern me. I think there’s kind of people on both sides, right? There are tenants that are absolutely in need of help. They are in situations where they really do the state needs to step in. Then they need to have that help provided for them. But on the other hand, there are also landlords that do need help as well. So I do think it’s something that we kind of need to continue to be compassionate about from both perspectives and understand that there are people in bad situations on both sides and there are also people taking advantage on both sides. So we need to be cognizant of that. But it is not stopping me from moving forward, growing my portfolio.


Brian Davis: Well, I’m glad to hear that. So speaking of growing your portfolio, you know, let’s talk for a second about how you go about finding deals because obviously, every investor takes a different approach to that. So how do you and your husband go about finding deals, finding rental properties to buy?


Becky Nova: Sure. So my strategy is to always tell everybody what I’m looking for. OK, so I make sure that the first thing that I will say will probably surprise most people listening. Most I think almost all of my deals I’ve actually found through my realtor on the MLS, even in New York, even in New York, I’ve been able to find my deals that way. So I think out of the three of the four properties we have in New York, three of them were on the MLS and then the fourth was actually an off-market deal all found through the same realtor. So I will say that it is incredibly important to make sure that you still use that as an option. I feel like sometimes in real estate investing, people will always look for the creative option and they tend to take a little bit of a more difficult route than is sometimes necessary. We talk about what are these different creative financing strategies where these different creative ways to find deals and sometimes we miss the obvious opportunities. So I will always start with making sure that my realtor knows what I’m looking for.


Becky Nova: but then I will also make sure that other people that I connect with also know what I’m looking for. So in that way, I could increase my chances of finding deals. So I do have a network of wholesalers that I’m looking for that I speak to that know my criteria. I do have other realtors. I do have other investors. Because what I’ve really been able to set up that I’m pretty proud of over the past couple of years now is I actually have people that call me with deals instead of me having to go knock on doors, instead of me having to go cold, call and reach out to a thousand people hoping that somebody will answer their phone. I have people that email me or call me regularly with deals all the time. So I’ve actually one thing that I’ve worked on over this past year is being much more specific and what I’m looking for. So then that way, when people do come to me, I can easily say, yes, is this an option or no, this is not.


Brian Davis: Well, that’s a great answer. And, you know, people always underestimate the power of networking and the power of your network. And it’s a surprising answer as well that you have most of your deals through a realtor or all of your realtors, all of your deals within the US. I know you have an international property as well that will get to in a minute. But, yeah, you know, realtors who are good realtors anyway become experts in their local market and they’re well connected. I mean, they know a lot of people, especially investment specialists, realtors, they know a lot of investors and a lot of people who don’t necessarily have their property listed for sale at this moment, but who would be willing to sell. So it’s a great tip to just always keep your network apprised of what you’re looking for and you’d be surprised what comes back to you.


Becky Nova: So but it’s also that making sure that they know what you’re looking for, I think over the past year, one thing that I’ve done that’s really helped is gotten really, really clear on what I’m looking for. So, for example, I had a whole seller that I know that I know well through my different networking groups in New York. Reach out to me saying, hey, can I put you on my buyers’ list? I have properties all the time in this area, in this area. And I said, thanks, but no thanks. That’s not an area I’m interested in. So that’s not something that’s going to kind of work so If you went to prison and just said, hey, I want to buy a property, let me know what you have that’s off-market. Cool. You could be getting things that aren’t really going to work for you or that person is not going to keep you in mind because they’re like, I don’t know if that’s what Brian wanted or this. He didn’t tell me if it could be a million dollars or if I needed to be one hundred bucks or if he was willing to do a lot of work or no work. I have no information. But when I can go in and say to my network, like, hey, I’m looking for a house with this price, with this type of work to be done to it, which is going to give me a return of this. It’s getting much more qualified leads and as I said, they’re calling me,


Brian Davis: Yeah, and you don’t end up with an inbox that’s, you know, filled with thousands of different, irrelevant leads and just so much noise that you can’t act because it can be crippling when you have to much noise. So I don’t I do want to talk to you for a minute about overseas investing, because that’s something that a lot of investors are interested in but don’t really know how to move forward with how to get started. So you and your husband own a property in the Dominican Republic, right?


Becky Nova: Correct.


Brian Davis: And your husband is actually from the Dominican Republic, which I’m sure helped. But, you know, so walk us through exactly how you went about finding that property, vetting it, you know, making sure that you’re, you know, you were mitigating your risks and all of those things, because I think it’ll be interesting to a lot of people.


Becky Nova: Yeah, and it is something that I feel like so many more people are thinking about in the past year, especially with how crazy our market is, happy to talk about the subject. So what really made a difference was actually the same kind of thing, is what we would think about in New York or I’m sorry, in the States. I feel like a lot of people are hesitant to go with long-distance investing because they don’t necessarily know other places. Right? They don’t they’ve never been to Ohio. So maybe they don’t want to buy there because they don’t know anybody there. They don’t know the neighborhoods, those types of things. So what was helpful was that we were able to pick a country that once my husband grew up in, but that I’d actually been to as well. So we knew different neighborhoods. We knew people that were there. We knew which places were good, which places were bad, where people were going to want to rent from and where they wouldn’t. So it did help. Same thing. When I tell people when they ask about long-distance investing, if you’re even investing in the states, pick a place you’ve been to or that you know somebody there that can at least give you a little bit of insight, that’s much better than just picking a complete spot of randomness by throwing a dart at a map.


Becky Nova: So we started with that. The other thing that I will say, that’s a big caveat to my property in the Dominican Republic that also always shocks people is our property is not a beachfront, short-term rental. Ours is actually in the city, in the capital, Santo Domingo and it is actually a long-term rental. You can’t even see the beach from this place. So it is a very different concept. And one of the reasons we did that was because, one, my husband did want to be able to buy a place where we felt like we were participating in the community and providing housing for the people there. So this was not our cash cow. This was much more of a passion project for us there. We could have gone the opposite way. And we’ll talk about the short-term rentals and a little bit. But what made it interesting was once we were then able to say what we want. Right, talking about that criteria, we want a long-term rental. We want people that are going to be there for a long time, and we want it to be in a safe neighborhood, one that really was able to kind of narrow down the areas that we were looking at.


Becky Nova: It also worked out well because we were able to buy a place that is not a bad cab ride away for my husband’s family to also get to. So same kind of thing. We have boots on the ground. If there’s a disaster, if there’s something totally crazy, we can just Venmo somebody some money and we can make sure his family can get over there and watch our property burned to the ground, whatever it may be. So at least, you know, that just kind of gives us a little bit of peace of mind. We’ve actually never had to do that one. But it is just kind of nice knowing that that exists. Then what we were able to do was fine. Since my husband once again had connections there, we were able to find our realtor. We were actually able to look into new developments, which was the way that my husband wanted to go. He wanted to buy a property that was new what was good about that is when you buy kind of in that new development, they understand that foreigners are going to be wanting to invest in those types of properties.


Becky Nova: So they kind of have a turnkey option. They really are able to say, great, we’re building this building. This is the down payment. This is your deposit. This is how much you need to pay your down payment at this time point. This is your presell contract you have to go through. This is what you can expect along the way. So it actually was really nice for our first property internationally to kind of have this whole system walk together. If I invested in once again, we’ll pick on Ohio today. If I’m investing in Ohio, where I’ve never been before, I have to probably talk to ten different realtors before I decide which realtor is a good fit for me. I’m going to have to talk to multiple mortgage brokers before I realize who’s going to be the best one for me. I won’t have to talk to different property managers. And then you’re doing it all piecemeal. It’s actually nice when you look for some of these new developments is they kind of say like yup, here’s the company, here’s the bank we’re using and here’s the property management, if you would like that option as well.


Brian Davis: Well, so speaking of the bank, your husband is a dual citizen, I assume. So he has citizenship in the Dominican Republic. So I imagine that eliminated some of the challenges for you guys. Right. As far as the legal ability to own property, the ability to borrow money from a lender. So did you guys not have any challenges with that, that normal Americans buying in a foreign country might encounter?


Becky Nova: So also the most useful thing was my husband’s Spanish is really, really good.


Brian Davis: I’m sure it is.


Becky Nova: So that was also really useful. But like my husband always kind of said, you know, he felt he made sure that we were always getting the local rate right, like the local deal here, which was nice, which also is a very big thing in the Dominican Republic. There is a lot of negotiation. There is a lot of if you are Dominican, if this price if you are American, it’s this price. There are a lot of different things. Yes, exactly. The gringo price. So there were certain times like my husband was like, you’re not allowed to come to the bank today. Like I have to negotiate the final sales price. We can’t know that you’re involved. And it was just kind of interesting from that perspective. But from a base. Yes. It was much easier because also since we have Dominican bank accounts, it just we didn’t have to worry about transferring money. We don’t have to worry about exchange rates. It was something that we’d already had set up, which did definitely make a difference. As an American, you actually in some places, some developers will allow financing from that country. And there are very few banks and I’ve looked into this from not only the Dominican Republic but also in certain other countries. There are sometimes banks that will give foreign investors loans. They will come at a premium. You are going to be paying high interest. You are going to be subject to very different terms. Sometimes there’s also a different a completely different purchase price for what that would look like than if you were actually financing that project within the country itself.


Becky Nova: That’s why usually you have to really talk to the developer or the owner to say, what do you even allow? Sometimes they’ll say, no, it’s cash only. That’s it. Because remember, an American bank is not going to give you money to go buy property in a foreign country. Right. They have there’s no ability for them to follow on that. Yeah, exactly. It’s just not going to work that way. So you would need your only chance if you need financing, would be to get financing in the country that you’re buying. But it is very far and few between to be able to do that. It really is. Cash is king. The other thing that came from a mortgage banking perspective. So my husband and I, as I said, this was not our cash cow. This was a passion project that is by far the cheapest property, especially owning properties in New York. But we actually did choose to finance. We could have paid for the property in cash, which I think it’s really cool to say, because I couldn’t have said that five years ago when I broke, but we actually would have been able to pay for it in cash. But the reason we did it was because it would have slowed up our availability to buy the next property. Right. So basically, if I paid for it in cash, there goes my down payment for the next property. So we chose to finance it for that reason.


Becky Nova: Yeah, and you don’t always know when the next deal will come along, right? I mean, it could be a year before a deal that you like comes along or a deal could come along in two weeks that you really like and you want to go to pounce on it as they come.


Becky Nova: Or construction workers on an island that is hit by hurricanes very often, and are not exactly known for being very timely, people take a year and a half longer to finish a project, which means by that time I already found another deal. That was actually when we were closing on that complex. And we then came into a situation where the bank in D.R. called us and said, hey, OK, we’re done. We need to now close the loan. And my mortgage broker in the states, like, flipped out, being like there was no way you guys can close on that property until we close on a huge four-family on two lots with a parking lot in New York City like this one takes priority. You can’t do that right now. So it did really kind of change. So you have to kind of think ahead of those things. So our goal was not to, like, always carry the mortgage on that, but it was something that we said at this time that made sense for us to be able to do. What’s interesting, though, that we don’t think about is that here in America, in most situations, Stanford, you have a 15-year mortgage or you have a 30-year mortgage, you typically are going to have a fixed interest rate throughout the length of the loan. That is not the way mortgages always work in other countries. In DR your loan options are five years or seven years. They also have


Brian Davis: With that car loan.


Becky Nova: I know you also have variable interest rates. The interest is calculated and applied daily. So we have like most banks know, have the app that tells you how much you have left on your loan, and every single day we were watching that number go up. So those are things to kind of take into consideration. So and once again now we’re getting the Dominican special rate. Could you imagine now what interest rates would look like as a foreigner? I think to start off with our interest rate with like nine percent. And that was like a great, great number at that time. But if I applied as an American, I probably would have been looking at twice that amount. That’s a huge difference.


Brian Davis: I mean, you could there are credit cards that charge less than 18 percent interest. I mean, yes, you said that this property, this property in the Dominican Republic is not a cash cow for you. How do your returns on it compare to your returns on some of your properties in New York?


Becky Nova: Sure. So actually, we are doing better with the property now that the property is paid off. So about. A year after owning that property, once again, we close down the fourplex we ended up buying like I said, that covid baby duplex that I have in upstate New York. So once we bought those, we were kind of looking at the market. My husband and I actually lived in the Dominican Republic over the winter to evaluate buying a short-term rental. And also just because I hate snow and I was not going to sit in a New York winter. So when we went down there, we actually were struggling finding another property. So we chose to pay off the other property in the Dominican Republic. At first, it was really making us, I think, like 50 bucks a month, which to me is really kind of not anything to get out of bed for in New York, really. Most of my properties all make at least five hundred dollars a door. So to me, 50 bucks is a very different number now that we’ve paid that property off. It does bring in a good couple hundred dollars a month, but it’s really more around like a three hundred dollar mark. So still a lot less. But that’s also because now it’s completely paid, right?


Brian Davis: Ok, so so you guys spent the winter in the Dominican Republic. Yes, you have not retired yet, but you’re still working full time.


Becky Nova: I have agreed to continue working at my job for the next. Two and a half years. OK, I have a little count. I have my little countdown over here.


Brian Davis: Yeah, the last time we spoke I think you said that you were planning on retiring around 40. So is that about the same timeframe? OK, so that’s still on. Yes. So like it. I like it, but it’s so it seems like you can do some of your work remotely.


Becky Nova: Correct, so not only have I been remote clearly throughout the pandemic, but actually I switched to a new pharmaceutical company and I’m one hundred percent remote so I can kind of go anywhere now. So, yes, it is not just a pandemic reason. Then I am remote. I am now one hundred percent remote. Our plan, our plan the entire time, even actually before I had no idea how I was going to fund this, but even before we went into real estate, our plan was actually to be able to do some type of six months in DR six months in the United States type of schedule anyways. So that was kind of always a plan. Real estate was able just to speed that up and was able to show us how that plan would actually become a reality for us. So that was really kind of cool. So this past summer, this past winter was actually our kind of testing. My husband actually originally only gave me five weeks. He said, OK, we’ll go down, we’re going to spend one week with family and then we’ll do four weeks staying down there, living there, kind of seeing what that’s like. It was so easy, Brian, to manage our properties in New York. It was so easy just to continue to stay there that we just as we desire to extend it another two months.


Becky Nova: That’s awesome. I love it. As an ex-pat myself, I’m all about being able to work from anywhere in the world, live anywhere in the world, travel. So I just can’t tell you how much I love that. You guys, you’re still house hacking right in your when you’re in New York, correct?


Speaker3: Yep. We still have our house hacking. That’s actually something is my husband and I was kind of planning out like we had a little we have a little family meeting where we kind of talk about what we want the next couple of years to kind of look like and how some of those moving chess pieces are all going to kind of work out. That was a conversation that we kind of had. And I was kind of like, I don’t know if I’d ever live in a single-family house. I was like, I think I would always I even if we had then just a house hack and then didn’t rent out our home when we weren’t there for, like the five, six months, I was like, I don’t think I would ever live in, like a single-family house, maybe a little change. But I was I can’t picture myself doing that.


Brian Davis: Well, you know, when you’re house packing and you don’t have a house payment, it makes it a lot easier to do things like go down to the Dominican Republic for three months at a time on a whim. Right. So you have the flexibility to do that stuff when you don’t have a house payment. So it makes such a big difference just in the options available to you in your lifestyle. So you started a company called Lady Landlords, right?, which I will put a link to in the comments here. So just tell us about how that’s going where you guys are up to right now over there. Tara from our office absolutely loves your work and your website and the community you have built on Facebook. So, yeah. Tell us about what you’re up to over with


Becky Nova: Sure, I still am. I can complete all of even what Lady Landlords is and has become lady landlords really kind of came out of the beginning of the pandemic. Like I said, my husband’s now out of work. I’m sitting here and my answer to him being out of work was, let’s go buy another house, extra income. He didn’t he wasn’t really seeing it that way. My husband’s the saver. I am the risk taker and the relationship. So I totally understand why he kind of freaked out about that. So I was like, OK, well, if that’s not for you, I get it. But this was something that I really kind of want to move forward with. So I said, you know what? I’m going to go and kind of find some strangers on the Internet and see what they think of my plan. So I started a Facebook group called Lady Landlords. I thought it would literally be me and my mom and the group and nobody else. And now a year and a half later, we have twenty thousand members in her Facebook group. And one of the things that I’ve started to do since then is I helped create resources based on the needs of the group. So, for example, in the past year, I’ve now created a beginner’s guide to real estate investing a how to scale your property course as well. I really walk people through the mentorship program now, making sure that they understand the steps that they actually need along the way. Colleen was actually in our group. So, Colleen, thanks for the shout-out.


Becky Nova: She Really took a chance on me very early on with one of the first courses that I had done. So I appreciate the support and she’s been with me all along the way, just like Tara. She was one of the first women, I think actually in the group. But it just really turned into so much more of a movement. Actually, I am this entire week, I am planning for. We do local meet-ups here in the New York area and we also do a virtual meetups. But for New York, we’ve always done it out at some type of location. And I’ve had women from New Jersey, from Connecticut, from Maryland. You should have said, hey, I want to come, but it’s just I can’t get there on a Thursday night after work. So we were actually able to do now our first Saturday event. So I am actually hosting at one of my rental properties I am hosting about. Forty-five lady landlords here at my property and really going to be kind of walking them through the rental and we’re just going to have a really great fun time in the afternoon, just connecting with other people that are doing what we want to do that can inspire us, help us partner with us to be able to kind of really push us forward with our portfolio. So I am not quite sure what the next year for Lady Landlord holds, but I am so excited to see what it brings. So it’s really been a great journey.


Brian Davis: Well, that’s fantastic. And, you know, that kind of ties us right back to the very beginning about your network often determines your opportunities, right? So and for people listening and you can’t see the comments, Tara said, yes, I love it. Always cheering for you. Colleen Willdan says Becky rocks in all capitals with several marks. Janine White says I’m loving this as a lady landlord. I’m going to follow right now. And Colleen chimed back in with it’s a great community so that you really have built something special over there with lady landlords and know the enthusiasm that you see in the comments definitely speaks to that. So how can people connect with you if they want to learn more about what kind of real estate investments you’re doing? What you’re doing with lady landlords? What’s the best way for people to connect with you?


Becky Nova: Sure. For anyone that identifies as female, feel free to join the Lady Landlords Facebook group. Just type in lady landlords. You will see us pop up. Otherwise, we also do have the lady landlords podcasts. So clearly all different genders and nonbinary are able to listen to our podcast there. So search for Lady Lemann’s there. And then lastly, Brian had already put the link for So feel free to go on our website. You can always shoot me a message there and find our Instagram, our YouTube, all those different resources on the website


Brian Davis: And that Christina collin. Hi Becky. Christina is a regular around here. I put a link in the comments too to the original case study that we wrote up about you and your husband and how you reached financial independence so quickly. So there are a lot more details in that case study about the properties you bought, what you paid for them, what kind of returns you guys got, you know, financing tips, and all that good stuff. Edwin Taurus. Hi, Becky. Hi, Brian. Thanks for this. Great info. Always learning. Edwin, thank you for chiming in there as well. So, Becky, do you have any final thoughts before we wrap this up today? Anything you want to include before calling this episode complete?


Becky Nova: Sure. So for anybody out there, that’s listening here, that is still not quite sure what they want to do next. They’re concerned with what’s going on with the moratorium regulations, laws, all that type of thing, or just really new make sure to post in the SparkRental group and ask your questions. There are so many people that you have in your group that are able to give information that is able to share that will help get through that analysis paralysis, that deal analysis can and screening all of those different things. Just know that everybody in this community is here cheering all of you on. So don’t hesitate to make a post and ask some questions so that you can get on your way to financial freedom sooner than later.


Brian Davis: Thank you so, so much for your time today, as always. You know, it was such a rich and valuable interview and there were so many great tips you gave the audience. So thank you so much for your time today.


Becky Nova: Of course. Thanks for having me on.


Brian Davis: I guess we’ll see you next Tuesday at two p.m. Eastern. Let us know in the meantime what you want to hear about next week. All right. By now.

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How about long-term rental property loans?

We compare several buy-and-rehab lenders and several long-term landlord loans on LTV, interest rates, closing costs, income requirements and more.

Keep Learning More, Keep Earning More!

Ditch Your Day Job: How to Retire Early with Rental Income (Free 8-Video Course)

FREE Webinar: Open $250K in Credit Lines for Investing

On Wed. 3/23/22 at 2pm & 8pm EST, Deni & Brian are hosting Fund&Grow for a free webinar to show you how to open up to $250,000 in unsecured business credit lines for real estate investing.

Want to create passive income?


We’ll email a series of videos in our free course,

to help you start earning income from rentals.

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Free Mini-Course: Passive Income from 2-4 Unit Multifamilies

Free Mini-Course: Passive Income from 2-4 Unit Multifamilies


Ready to build passive income from small multifamily properties?

Over the next week, we'll email you a free series of videos, so enter your best email and let's get started!

You're in! Check your email to confirm, and you can email us directly at [email protected] with any questions :-)

Free Webinar: Earn 15-50% on Passive Real Estate Syndications

LIVE masterclass on Tues. 10/25 @ 8pm EST

Your seat is reserved! Check your email to confirm.

Inside a group real estate investment

Here's a quick video breakdown of a past group investment — and how it's performed since our Co-Investing Club invested in it in early 2023.

You got it! Check your email for the link, and some other fun freebies.

Ready to Build Passive Income?

Ready to Build Passive Income?


We'll email you the course videos over the next week, so enter your best email!

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Ditch Your Day Job: Free 8-Video Course


Our brand new course on how to reach financial independence and retire early (FIRE) with rental properties is open for one week from Oct. 23-30!

You're in! Check your email for the link, or click here for the 1st video!

How do group real estate investments work?

If you want the cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits of real estate without hassling with loans or landlording, learn how to invest passively. 

Awesome! Check your email :-)

learn private equity real estate investing

Hack the Rich: 7 Secrets We've Learned from Private Equity Real Estate

In a live online meetup, we'll be sharing and discussing 7 secrets we've learned from the rich over the last few years of investing in private equity real estate syndications.

Awesome! Check your email :-)