Passive Income & Personal Finance
Hint: trading hours for dollars is not a winning long-term strategy
Ready to up your finances’ game?
We aren’t just a “real estate investing website” or a “landlord site.” We’re passionate about helping everyday people build passive income from rental properties, and create their ideal life.
After all, what good are rental properties or extra income if it doesn’t actually result in a better life for you?
So we take personal finance, passive income, and financial independence very, very seriously.
It starts with a commitment to spend less and earn more. To shove a lever in that gap between your spending and your income, and HEAVE HO!
The more of your income goes toward investments, the faster you can accumulate passive income. The faster you accumulate passive income, the sooner you’ll reach financial independence.
If all that sounds loosey-goosey and short on details, well, that’s why we drill down to the details in the articles below.
Reaffirm your commitment to a richer life, buckle up, and start digging in!
“Required Reading” – Start Here First:
Free Video Series: Building Passive Income from Rental Properties
Super excited about what’s possible with passive income from rental properties? Getting pumped about financial independence? We don’t blame you – we love this stuff too!
Check out our free video series on this very topic, at our sister site SnapLandlord:
Full Library of Passive Income & Personal Finance Articles:
High-Performance Portfolio Optimization: Why Fewer and Deeper Wins
The Big Picture on Portfolio Optimization With The “Fewer and Deeper” Strategy: While diversification protects against downturns, excessive diversification dilutes returns, increases complexity, and leads to missed opportunities. Managing too many investments is...
Is Stock or Real Estate Faster in Building Wealth?
The Big Picture On Whether Stock or Real Estate Is Faster In Building Wealth: US stocks average 10.13% returns p.a. with higher volatility. US residential real estate averages 11.6% p.a. with better stability and leverage options than stocks. Neither is universally...
Cost Segregation Study: How to Take Accelerated Depreciation on Rental Properties
The Big Picture On A Cost Segregation Study: A cost segregation study allows real estate investors to reclassify property components into categories with shorter depreciation periods, enabling accelerated depreciation and reducing taxable income in the early years of...
FIRE Movement: Your Path to Financial Independence and Early Retirement
The Big Picture on Financial Independence and Retiring Early: The FIRE movement is about achieving financial independence and early retirement by maximizing savings, minimizing living costs, and investing in income-generating assets like stocks and real estate. Key to...
Rent To Retirement: Building Wealth Through Rental Properties
The Big Picture On Rent To Retirement: Investing in rental properties can provide a stable income for retirement, with options like steady monthly rent, lump-sum cash from sales, and equity loans. This makes it a sustainable alternative to traditional retirement...
The Best Short-Term Investments: Real Estate & More
The Big Picture On The Best Short-Term Investments: Options like high-yield savings accounts offer safety but minimal returns. At the same time, Treasury bills and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) provide slightly higher yields with government-backed...