According to
Section 118 of Title 42 of Oklahoma statutes, a landlord has the obligation to provide and maintain a clean, and safe, and sanitary rental unit.
Right of Entry:
Unless an emergency occurs, the landlord must provide the tenant a one day advance notice to make repairs. And the time of repair must be during a reasonable time. The same goes for showings of the apartment to re-rent or sell.
Notice to End Lease:
Following the statutes outlined in
Title 41, Section 111 of the Oklahoma Landlord Tenant act, when a lease runs month to month, thirty days written notice is required. If it is a weekly lease, seven days is needed. And if the lease has a fixed date of ending, then on that date the lease simply ends and no notice is required.
When a tenant fails to pay rent, the landlord must provide a 5 days demand for the payment in written form. If the tenant does not pay, the landlord may initiate court proceedings for the removal of the tenant. If the tenant creates a violation other than non-payment, such as for an unauthorized pet, the landlord must provide a 15 day written notice. The tenant then has ten days to fix the issue. If it is not remedied, the landlord will go to the court on the 15
th day and initiate court eviction.
Other Important Information:
Methamphetamine Manufacture: If at any time prior to the new lease, the landlord has knowledge that the premises were used for meth production, it must be disclosed to the tenant.
Flooding Disclosure: If the premises were flooded in the prior 5 years, the landlord must notify the tenants in the rental agreement.
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Can a property manager collect rent twice in the same month?
Can a landlord be held financially responsible along with the renter when the landlord is notified the renter allows the pet run loose and a formal complaint has been filed with animal control. Or the landlord is provided evidence by neighbors the animal is allowed to run loose and is dangerous to the neighborhood?