The Big Picture On The Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts:

    • Podcasts are a convenient and free way to gain knowledge and stay updated on real estate trends, making it easy for investors to learn while multitasking.
    • These top podcasts provide valuable education on real estate investing, financial independence, and lifestyle design, helping listeners learn from successful investors’ experiences and apply practical tips.
    • Topics discussed in these podcasts range from rental to commercial real estate for both novice and experienced investors, with each person or team bringing unique insights and strategies. 


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best real estate investing podcasts

Podcasts offer a convenient, semi-passive way to consume content and get educated. You can listen to them while you’re working out, driving, walking the dog, or cooking dinner.

They’re also free, which doesn’t hurt.

So, we decided to round up the best real estate investing podcasts of 2024 so you can learn how to make more money in the real estate business — even while multitasking.


Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts For Beginners And Experts in 2024

These real estate investment podcasts aren’t necessarily in order of quality, and they are friendly to both beginners to experts. They’re also all excellent, hosted by smart, experienced investors with a fun radio presence.

Without further ado, let’s start streaming.


1. The Life & Money Show by Goodegg Investments

The name says it all.

Hosts Annie Dickerson, Susan Elliott, and Julie Lam keep a wide-angle focus on lifestyle design and financial independence — real estate investing is just the vehicle to help you get there.

Sure, I’m a little biased. We’ve had Annie Dickerson on our Live Off Rents podcast, and I’ve appeared as a guest on The Life and Money Show. But I’ve also personally invested in deals from Goodegg Investments, and we’ve vetted their deals together in our Co-Investing Club.

Goodegg is the real deal. They take their obligation to investors extremely seriously. And the founders walk the walk of designing intentional lifestyles, rather than just talking the talk.


2. The Best Ever CRE with Joe Fairless

It’s hard not to like Joe Fairless or his perfectly named Best Ever Show.

Yes, it’s the longest running daily real estate investing podcast—one of the best. And yes, it has more listeners than just about any other podcast on this list. But the real bragging rights go to Joe himself.

Joe controls over $900 million in real estate investments. For his first multifamily deal, he raised over $1 million in private capital. He knows what he’s talking about, firsthand.

As an introduction to The Best Ever Show, check out this episode where Joe hosted me!


3. The Conscious Investor with Julie Holly

The best real estate investment podcasts often have personality. That’s why I really like how Julie Holly brings so much of herself and her personal life into The Conscious Investor.

Like The Life and Money Show, she covers not just real estate investing but the bigger picture of pursuing financial independence and crafting your own ideal life. Julie doesn’t shy away from sharing personal details about her faith or family life in the show. And it makes sense — your personal finances don’t exist in a bubble. They’re, well, personal!

I listen to The Conscious Investor myself, like many of the real estate investing podcasts on this list. And I’m proud to say that I’ve hosted Julie on our Live Off Rents podcast, and she’s hosted me on The Conscious Investor. We haven’t had a chance to invest in a deal with Julie yet, but I look forward to the day that we do.

Come for the hands-on real estate investing tactics and tips, stay for the authenticity that Julie brings to each episode.


4. REtipster with Seth Williams

Seth Williams knows real estate investing inside and out. And the REtipster podcast, co-hosted with Jaren Barnes, covers a wide range of real estate investing strategies from flipping houses to rental properties to wholesaling and beyond.

But REtipster particularly shines in their coverage of land investing. Seth is one of the country’s most knowledgeable land investors, and he teaches one of only two reputable courses on land investing (we highly recommend it!).

Seth and Jaren help you approach your real estate investments as a business, not just a passive investment. Which is precisely what most new investors need to do better.

For full disclosure, I’m a regular contributor to the REtipster blog. Just one more reason why it’s so awesome!


5. The Real Wealth Show with Kathy Fettke

Real estate investing expert Kathy Fettke launched The Real Wealth Show as a weekly podcast in 2003, if you can believe it. Since then, it has continuously cranked out excellent free educational content for investors.

Kathy also hosts a sister podcast, The Real Estate News podcast. Which, as you might have guessed from the name, covers housing market trends and news rather than educational content.

The Real Wealth Network can help you buy turnkey rental properties, and they also do real estate syndications. That said, they restrict most syndication and other group investments to accredited investors. Read more about syndications and other types of real estate investments here.

I’m also a fan of Real Wealth’s blog, which perennially ranks among the best real estate investing blogs. We’ve even written some guest articles for one another to bring our own unique expertise to each other’s audiences.

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6. Epic Real Estate with Matt Theriault

Professional investor, bestselling author, and entrepreneur Matt Theriault walks you through all the best and conventional ways to invest in real estate on his aptly named Epic Real Estate podcast.

But where it gets interesting is Matt’s more creative approaches to real estate investing. He brings on other experienced investors as guests to cover everything from private notes to mobile home investing to tax strategies like self-directed IRAs.

Matt claims a similar perspective and investing style as Robert Kiyosaki, while forgoing the staid, boring approaches for the masses embraced by the likes of Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman. I couldn’t agree more.


7. BiggerPockets

BiggerPockets is the content juggernaut of the real estate industry. It’s everywhere, and does everything for everyone.

They publish a long-running podcast. And do frequent webinars. And their blog features thousands of articles (I’m a regular contributor here too, heads up). Which says nothing of their social network for real estate investors — arguably their best feature.

The podcast features a rich diversity of guests from every real estate niche. No matter your exact niche in real estate investing, there are at least a few podcast episodes about it on BiggerPockets, featuring fascinating interviews with investors to discuss it.

And that’s just the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast. They also release a mix of others including a personal finance podcast, a business podcast, a beginner’s podcast, plus a daily audio reading of the day’s top blog post.


8. How to Scale Commercial Real Estate with Sam Wilson

Many of the popular podcasts on this list focus on residential real estate investing. Sam Wilson from Bricken Investment Group wants you to think bigger.

Sam interviews guest experts across the spectrum of commercial real estate investing to remove the hype and intimidation. If you’re interested in scaling your portfolio to include commercial properties, don’t miss his excellent podcast.

For that matter, the podcast covers some residential investing topics too. Sam hosted me once and we had a fun chat about not just investing but also travel, expat life, and investing from abroad.

Regardless of your experience level, or whether you’re interested in passive investing or building a real estate investment business, check out Sam’s show. It’s a rare daily real estate podcast, and he fills it with expert interviews across all types of real estate investments.


best podcasts for real estate investors9. The Real Estate Syndication Show with Whitney Sewell

Whitney Sewell is a real estate syndicator, also known as a sponsor, who puts together large commercial real estate deals. Through his private equity company Lifebridge Capital, he raises money from passive investors for these deals.

In fact, we’ve actually invested in a Lifebridge Capital deal in our Co-Investing Club!

But real estate syndications are complicated, and come in many shapes in sizes. So Whitney brings guests on his seven-days-a-week real estate show to explain what kinds of deals they do, how they structure them, and what passive investors should look for when vetting real estate syndications.

If you like the idea of passive investing in real estate, with no tenant headaches or hassles with finding good property deals or borrowing investment property loans, check out The Real Estate Syndication Show.


10. Afford Anything with Paula Pant

Paula Pant is a woman after my own heart. She invests in rental properties, loves passive income, believes in financial independence, and spends much of her time traveling abroad. If we weren’t each already taken, I’d publicly profess my undying love right here and now.

Her core message is simple: you can afford anything but not everything, which means you need to prioritize your goals. In other words, you need to get intentional about creating your own perfect life (read: lifestyle design). No one else can do it for you.

A perfect blend of money mindset, investing strategies, and gritty tactics, the Afford Anything podcast always delivers, which makes it one the best ever real estate podcasts. It also publishes content more regularly than the blog, with weekly episodes.

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11. The Real Estate Investing Podcast with Coach Carson

Another investor after my own heart, Chad “Coach” Carson and his family recently spent a year and half living in Ecuador. Living on their real estate investment income, of course!

Chad reached financial freedom in his late 30s, and aims to help his listeners reach financial independence with real estate as well. Sensing a theme here?

He also happens to be a genuinely nice guy, in addition to his wealth of knowledge. Expect actionable insights and investing tips from The Real Estate & Financial Independence Podcast, plus a wealth of resources to help you succeed.


12. Think Realty with Eddie Wilson

I love Think Realty’s tagline: “A Real Estate of Mind.” Like Paula and myself and so many others, host Eddie Wilson truly wants you to think differently about both money and real estate investing. 

I also appreciate that the Think Realty podcast keeps its weekly episodes short, sweet, and to the point. No fluff, just juicy morsels of real estate investing advice and ideas for both real estate professionals and part-time investors alike.

Eddie and his former co-host Abhi Golhar bring an uptempo personality and style to the podcast, making it a pleasure to listen to. I particularly like the diverse range of topics and themes, from multifamily investing to single-family properties, and plenty of niche investing strategies like self storage, mobile homes, land, and more. Abhi aims to help you build a real estate investing business, rather than just take pot shots at success from the sidelines.

In fact, we like Abhi so much we brought him on our podcast to share some times with you!


13. Accidental Landlord with Peter McKenzie

Landlord, property manager, and real estate investor Peter McKenzie hosts this weekly gem aimed squarely at mom-and-pop landlords.

In particular, Peter speaks to landlords who have an unrelated full-time job, but are still interested in buying and owning rental properties on the side. No jargon, no fluff, just industry expert guests, good advice, and real estate investing tips. 

It doesn’t hurt that Peter is an all around great guy as well — the show feels informal, fun, and conversational. And hey, it also doesn’t hurt that Peter’s had me on the Accidental Landlord show a few times, and we had some great conversations about real estate market updates and building long-term wealth with investment properties.


14. The Rental Income Podcast with Dan Lane

True to its name, The Rental Income Podcast keeps its focus squarely on building passive rental income as a landlord. 

From the fundamentals of rental investing and property management to advanced tax strategies for landlords, host Dan Lane covers it all. He brings on fascinating guests each week with diverse real estate knowledge, totaling over 400 episodes to date. In fact, Dan’s done such a great job over the years that it’s garnered over 700 reviews on iTunes, with a rating of 4.8. 

I particularly love Dan’s singularity of focus on rental properties. He doesn’t drift to cover topics like personal finance and lifestyle design (like we often do), but maintains laser focus and clarity on his mission: helping solo landlords and rental investors earn more money with less labor.

The show goes out every Tuesday, give it a listen and tell Dan we said hi!


Bonus: Live Off Rents with Deni Supplee & Brian Davis

It’s our list of best real estate investing podcasts, so we reserve the right to list ourselves too!

In our Live Off Rents podcast, we cover rental investing, passive income from real estate, financial independence and retiring early (FIRE), property management, passive real estate syndications, real estate trends, and more.

Deni and I intentionally aim to keep the episodes short, punchy, and filler-free. No time-wasting tangents here — most episodes range from 15-25 minutes, packed with content and actionable advice. 

Join us live Tuesdays at 2pm EST on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel, or catch the recordings on our Live Off Rents podcast page or iTunes, Google Podcasts, Podbean, or wherever else you listen to podcasts. And hey, don’t be shy! Send us a message any time to let us know what you want to hear more of (or just rant against Brian’s bad jokes). 


Start Listening To The Best Real Estate Investing Podcasts

The list of best real estate investing podcasts above is far from exhaustive. Other excellent real estate investment podcasts include Master Passive Income with Dustin Heiner, One Rental at a Time with Michael Zuber, Real Estate Success with Jim Ingersoll, The Apartment Building Investing Podcast with Michael Blank, and Real Estate Guys Radio with Robert Helms and Russell Gray. 

Podcasts offer a free way to learn some of the basics of real estate investing, even while driving, working out, brushing your teeth, or walking to work (my personal favorite time to listen). Take advantage of this free source of education, and happy investing!


What’s your favorite real estate investing podcast? Why?



More Real Estate Investing Reads:

FREE Webinar: Open $250K in Credit Lines for Investing

On Wed. 3/23/22 at 2pm & 8pm EST, Deni & Brian are hosting Fund&Grow for a free webinar to show you how to open up to $250,000 in unsecured business credit lines for real estate investing.

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Rental ROI Ebook

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Free Mini-Course: Passive Income from 2-4 Unit Multifamilies

Free Mini-Course: Passive Income from 2-4 Unit Multifamilies


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Free Webinar: Earn 15-50% on Passive Real Estate Syndications

LIVE masterclass on Tues. 10/25 @ 8pm EST

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Inside a group real estate investment

Here's a quick video breakdown of a past group investment — and how it's performed since our Co-Investing Club invested in it in early 2023.

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Ready to Build Passive Income?

Ready to Build Passive Income?


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Ditch Your Day Job: Free 8-Video Course


Our brand new course on how to reach financial independence and retire early (FIRE) with rental properties is open for one week from Oct. 23-30!

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How do group real estate investments work?

If you want the cash flow, appreciation, and tax benefits of real estate without hassling with loans or landlording, learn how to invest passively. 

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How to Earn 15%+ Returns on Hands-Off Real Estate Investments

In a live online workshop on Tues. 9/10, we'll break down five ways to invest passively in real estate that you've never heard of.

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Hack the Rich: 7 Secrets We've Learned from Private Equity Real Estate

In a free workshop, we share 7 secrets we've learned from the rich over the last few years of investing in private equity real estate syndications.

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